Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh, look! Almost at 50!

Hey there followers!

I just noticed that I'm almost at 50 followers!  Fun!  Be sure to "follow" on the sidebar over there --> if you don't already.  I'll have to come up with something totally fun for when I reach 50.  Do you all consider virtual lollipops fun?  : )


  1. Yay congrats! I have almost 100 twitter followers, what to do what to do? Virtual lollypops sounds great. maybe i could do virtual chocolate cake hmm...

  2. All the best Megan, won't be long now...

  3. So close... I have an award for you on my blog.

  4. Thanks for all the enthusiasm everyone! I give you all virtual lollipops right now! Who needs to wait for four more people?! You can have cherry, watermelon, lemon, green apple, or grape. No coconut allowed! I'm allergic!
