Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not Funny!

Okay, when I go to my Blogger dashboard, it says I'm not following anyone and I don't get the little updates at the bottom of my screen.  I am very unamused.  I'm following a bunch of people and I don't want to reconstruct it!  If I've disappeared from your follower list, I'm working on it!!  *punches computer and does traditional bring-back-my-blogs dance*


  1. I've been having issues with blogger all day- my list keeps going away and coming back, its not letting me post comments right, or follow right- basically I spent two hours this morning just trying to comment on five blogs and follow four new ones. so I hear ya.

  2. That happens to me all the time--super annoying when it happens! But it usually appears again after a few refreshes and fiddling about . . . or something like that. :P

  3. Yeah, I had one of those moments yesterday, and panic ensued. But I refreshed and my blog feed returned. Phew!

  4. You think that's not funny, wordpress, which my blog is on, is confusing the heck out of everybody as to how to follow it. Anyway, I'm a crusader just stopping in to say 'Hi'.

  5. Hello! Fellow crusader dropping in...I can understand your frustration. I have been having some twitter issues, so I feel your pain with the bugs of technology!
