Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finding Inspiration in the Grumpy

Last night I was feeling grumpy for no particular reason.  This happens to me sometimes.  I just get in a mood and I don't really know why.  I'm just "grrrr."

I mentioned my funk on Twitter and my buddy Juliet suggested I write a grumpy character while I was feeling grumpy.  What a fabulous idea!  It had not occurred to me that I should be taking advantage of a rare mood for myself.  I'm not grumpy very often, so I should Carpe Grumpy!

I've heard writing referred to as "cheap therapy" before, but I've always taken that to mean journaling through your problems.  While that is often productive and helpful, what a great new angle this writing-a-character-to-match-your-mood could be!  How wonderfully powerful you could be - projecting your emotions onto your character for them to carry around and deal with while you sit peacefully at your keyboard.  Oh the possibilities!

Sadly, I did not have the time or opportunity to write last night, but I am stowing away that little bit of inspiration for the next time a un-Megan-like mood strikes.  And as a bonus, my children and husband may be spared the wrath of Megan!  : )


  1. ha ha what a great idea, thanks for sharing I think I just got inspiration for a character

  2. I'm pleased I could help. :o) I have some very dizzy characters, you'd never guess why!!

  3. Carpe Grumpy! Ha ha :) Inspiring post.

  4. Maybe that was the inspiration behind the seven dwarfs.

  5. I love the idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Joanna- Can't wait to see your grumpy romance character! : )

    Belle - You rock, Juliet!

    Corey - Thanks! Happy to inspire!

    Theresa - They were probably the seven moods of the writer. Makes a lot of sense, actually!

    Kari - Thanks for commenting!

  7. I wrote a post about this and linked back to you!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I saw the link to your post on Corey's blog and am so glad to have found yours! Great post! I am new to blogging, but if you're interested you can check mine out at

  10. Corey, thanks again for the link!!

    Susanna - So happy you ventured over to my neck of the blogger woods! I'll totally come check out your blog! Welcome!!
